Saw a movie, there is a couple married for 15 years. The guy was cheating with wife's friend. She knew for a while but because of her family and children. She kept quiet. Until one day, during a dinner reception where both their friends were around. The wife finally told her husband, she knew about his relationship. "Look around you, see all your friends here? One of these day, I am going to have relationship with one of them. Then we are even. Then we will start all over again." 她会不会做是另一回事, 不过她的答案拍案叫绝.
Saw a movie, there is a couple married for 15 years. The guy was cheating with wife's friend. She knew for a while but because of her family and children. She kept quiet.
Until one day, during a dinner reception where both their friends were around. The wife finally told her husband, she knew about his relationship. "Look around you, see all your friends here? One of these day, I am going to have relationship with one of them. Then we are even. Then we will start all over again."
她会不会做是另一回事, 不过她的答案拍案叫绝.
Agree. Faithful is the key element in a relationship!
哇!这对白有点 “恐怖”!
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